Things that don’t make sense.

Sarah O'Grady
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2019


These dolls are about half the size of your thumb. Why.

Parking lots. Have you ever been in a well-designed parking lot? No? Me either. Also, why is it otherwise good drivers pull into parking lots and enter some alternative universe, forgetting all rules of the road and pedestrian safety. Why is this so hard?

Online florists don’t show anything to scale. What looks like a gorgeous huge bouquet on your 13" monitor, in reality, shows up looking like a ‘Honey I Shrunk the Bouquet’ special. And it probably cost you $149.99. Plus delivery fee. Plus tax. Plus floral surcharge.

Airlines that charge you for a carry-on. Um, if I was boarding a plane and DIDN’T have a single bag with me I would hope TSA would do their job and question my ass. In what world — and to what destination — does one travel without at the very least a carry-on bag?! Just include it in the goddamn base economy garbage fare for crying out loud.

My auto-text still, after all these years and all the artificial intelligence capabilities, still thinks I’m trying to say “duck” all the goddamn time. I AM NEVER TRYING TO SAY DUCK. NO ONE SAYS DUCK. EVER.

Refrigerators now come with fancy computers and screens and they can show you what’s inside them when you’re 500 miles away and re-order your cashew milk for you when you’re low. Great. But they still can’t auto-close if they’re left open? Seems like a miss. Let’s get on this, KitchenAid.

Auto-flush toilets should, in theory, work fairly well. Alas, without fail, just as you lay that thin paper protector down, its awkward center flap dipped into the bowl (why does that center flap even exist??), the sensor goes off and SWOOOSH… your hard work down the drain while you stand there cursing the porcelain gods.

LOL Dolls. What sociopath designed children’s toys in microscopic scale, accompanied by the teeniest, tiniest accessories, certain to get lost/swallowed/swept-up-by-the-Roomba within the first 45 minutes? Can we just not?



Escaped NYC for NC. Kick-ass mom, near-perfect wife to @JamieOGrady, and maker of damn fine guacamole.